Thursday, 21 December 2006


really, its an open forum, so slap some crap up here! here, ill start the bidding...

this is my 1980 peugeot px-10. originally built by alex zeh, i now retain sole ownership rights. click here or here to get a full break down on parts. alex calls it the purple monster, others call it the purple people eater. whatever the name, its actually lilac, okay?

my ride is my pride: i baby it like it was one, because it gets me everywhere i need to go (within london, where i live). course, in urbia, distances are shorter, so fixed gear works wonderfully. i love riding in traffic, running red lights and track standing, although i need more practice on the last one. im currently working towards a masters on the impact of sustainable development on design, and how design can and will lead the transition from our outdated - yet current - mode of think, as prescribed by the industrial revolution, so long ago. as such, one can imagine why im so into bicycles, and not cars (as a main mode of transportation that is un-renewably powered).

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