Monday, 30 July 2007

Gangs with Bangs.

when stephen and alex were on their way home from the arcade, gumballs in pocket, sleeves rolled, sunglasses rockin, they felt pretty good. alex had just scored 1,420 on the shoot-em-up game, a new record for him, and stephen had beat the shop boy at a burping contest, so they were both feeling pretty good, pretty hard, and pretty invincible.

and then they took the wrong turn.

suddenly, there they stood, face to face with what looked like an army of the toughest gang members theyd ever seen, who were staring back at them with almost as much shock as the two boys.

thinking quickly, the boys started to chat to them, hoping a quick friendship could be forged, which in turn might allow them to pass, to live another day.

but just then, stephen drops the ball, and admits to having recently had his nails done.

the girls wouldnt stand for it.

seconds later, stephen was a smear on the street.

the streets are mean these days.

doesnt help that youve got gangs like these, trolling the streets, causing mayhem and destruction on every street they haphazardly turn onto...

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