a temp site for those interested in creating a velocentric social club (or, well, i guess now its three years old, but whatever)
Finally got the pictures as requested. Swapped out bars and brakes, and just added Carlos' matte white chain (which still needs tightened but I was impatient to take the picture). Still haven't gotten the courage to take off the brakes--they've saved me too many times from Chicago drivers.
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well i must say, the visual impact of that chain put on (and brianna probly would aggree, as she helped pick that chain) is not any where near as flash as my brain said it would be... hrm... however, the detail shot really shows its character well. id say the color combo is a success (with the addition of the chain a subtle, but nice little moment of constrasting color and value).
i like the roadwarrior look to your bike. like if mad max went fixie: wheres your shotgun rack going to go?
ha ha! thats such a funny mental image, now that i let that sit! mad max, in leather and all gruff looking, but his pants cut off at about mid calf, and hes wearing slip on vans that somehow just betray his "hardness"...
i just noticed that your frame and mateo's frame - although the same exact bicycle, and nearly same vintage - are almost completey geometrically different. if you were to strip both of the frames down to raw metal with no nothing on, and hand them to some one, im guessing they wouldnt even know they came from the same company; ie, look at the head tube cluster- his are discreet, where as yours merge; look at the angle (of the dangle) of where the seat cluster meets.
i suppose i dont really know much about how you scale frames (especially when certain things - like wheels - have to remain the same size )...
I just made myself cross-eyed going back and forth between my and Mateo's bikes. Like those touch-screen games in bars with almost identical pictures of landscapes and naked girls. Anyway, I can't quite tell if its just a size thing, but I suspect it is. I'll check out a pic of the big kid's version of my frame and see if it's still so different from the 2006.
foxxxxxxy white chain.
yes i agree.
i want one too, though my bike is FAR from sexy enough to post photos of at the moment....
dig them horns.
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