Wednesday, 24 January 2007


also from alex "i notice any flutter in the bicycle industry" zeh, is the newest metal out of the Reynolds Labs: the coveted, the lustrous 953. of surgical quality steel - stainless, and thus needin' no paintin'- and some how super strong and dent resistant, it can be stretched thinner than normal so it weights like high-grade aluminum, is strong like titanium and big like mountain!


from bike mag :

"Back in 1995, Reynolds revolutionized steel bike frames with 853. The alloy took the market by storm, and remained the frontrunner of lightweight steel until the majority of the market abandoned steel for aluminum, titanium and ultimately fell into temptation with the glossy, black devil, carbon fiber. Although few could argue with 853’s supple yet snappy ride quality, most riders couldn’t stand the extra weight and corrosion.

The new 953, however, addresses both of those drawbacks. According to Peter Thompson from Carpenter Specialty Alloys (Reynolds’ material supplier), the new stainless alloy is twice as strong as titanium with a frame weight comparable to high-end aluminum, and won’t corrode. That’s a big deal. Those same qualities are what make carbon fiber such a standout. But carbon fiber isn’t a “tough” material---one good gouge could ruin a frame---where a steel frame can be ripped from a car by a low-overhang, buckle in two and still be easily rebuilt.

So far, only a couple bicycle frames have been produced with the promising new alloy. Independent Fabrications’ vice president, Tyler Evans welded both of them. “It’s extremely hard to work with,” says Evans. “It’s more difficult to weld than titanium, but the results are fantastic.” "

pictured is one of the two frames that dude made. i love the balance and smooth transition of the seat cluster. just fantastic.

1 comment:

AlexZeh said...

Haha. Nice, tubes. One day when i have money I'll have to buy a set. And what? I can't act like an unemployed loser and just browse the internet all day?