Monday, 29 January 2007

My New Frame: ???

heres photos of my newest baby, of unknown make and origin. but it fullfilled a few crutial requirements:

1) track
2) my size
3) lugged steel

its got a shit, shit paint job, but i can see past that. whats life about, if not projects? i think the paint job is like hand painted - as in, someone took a brush to it. its pretty bad. but i think the shape has all sorts of potential, so a little veneer treatment, and she gon'be perty!

randomly, i noticed the left dropout has like a little bit more metal than the right; wondering if it is used for mounting something? for measuring something? ideas?


Sarah said...

Could the different size on the left be for a disk brake tab? I wouldn't think that kind of bike would be set up for that though, right? P.S. I just came across the term "Lawyer Lips" for those positive retention things on quick releases (b/c they prevent lawsuits). What a great image.

Matthew Giordano-Bibby said...

The Negatron! Leader of the Decepticons, sworn enemies of the autobots!

Dude! Your bike turns into a fucken gun!
